The "Atoms… a less cartoony rendering" video was like.... wow!!! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Yeah, I loved it. That whole channel seems filled with interesting (and short) physics videos, but I haven't had a chance to watch that many yet.

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Whenever someone is snarky and comments that yeah you may be one-in-a-million but that means there’s 8,000 people just like you, I drop the 33 bits idea on them. They either 100% don’t get it or are a bit less snarky.

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Haha, that's savage.

The one-in-a-million thing means a very different thing in the pre and post-internet worlds.

Not so long ago, anyone outside your city, you didn't have much of a chance to be much aware of them on most things (if they aren't on TV or radio).

But now, the whole planet is basically a big city.

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