Dec 7, 2021Liked by Liberty

I am vaccinated (and for the record got COVID from another vaccinated person so not so sure it does all that much in blocking the “chain”) but have to say that the marketing of the vaccines has been terrible. Take the latest strain, omicron. I heard 4 things, basically in this order: 1) asymptomatic or mild symptoms, 2) further locking down travel, 3) existing vaccines need to be modified, and 4) the best way to deal with omicron is to get the (current) vaccine. Does nobody else see the logical flaws here? This greatly erodes confidence that our leaders know what they are talking about and are actually led by “science.” I know this is an investing blog but you led with this topic.

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It's sad to hear how far out of the way people will go to assert their "moral superiority" on not taking a vaccine. They also seem to flip flop between it being a choice to take a vax and calling you an oppressor for making a personal choice to take a vax while not harming anyone else.

On a brighter note, you should try green tea and scotch as a mixed drink, it's really good! In China green tea and whisky (usually JW black or Chivas Regal 12) is the equivalent to gin & tonic in the US.

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Great letter today, L. This podcast about Morris Chang and the semi industry is pretty interesting: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2sUyRjx5GaDYXVWnhWjsRv?si=ace1af5ec098491e

The idea of decommissioning three operating nuclear facilities in California is truly - cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

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Buying the LIBERTY building to drink green tea and/or scotch. 🍵 🥃- HELL YEAH. I donate my TEA as a gift to the group, but I plan on drinking all the scotch I can get my hands on!

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