Many thanks for recommending

Way of the warrior kid

Loved the book and gifted it to my nephew who’s 10 in grade 6 and finished off all his wimpy kids series timing on this one is so perfect for him to get to read real and learn real life lessons

Super keen to know about other books which you highly recommend

#libertyRecommends should be a thing 😍

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Awesome, glad to hear! Thanks for sharing. I'll keep recommending good stuff as I come across it (or remember it). Stay tuned!

Cheers 💚 🥃

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Book 1 and book 2 done - now in need more recommendations for his bday please help :)

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I have a new recommendation in tomorrow’s edition (#268). Stay tuned!

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Thanks 🙏 ordered LightHall looking fwd for more reviews

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Let me know how you like it!

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We're almost done reading it and it's good all the way through. I love then changes in color palette every few pages.

Looking forward to part 2.

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