* broad-based layoffs are a huge drag on company culture...people live in fear for -years- afterward. getting them done quickly is less painful for execs (and for getting the news out all in one batch) but more surgical project trimming/canceling is really more humane and sensical. it's harder.
* Prevention v. Treatment: omg yes...imagine if our governments -really- invested in the future (as one example). which countries will win the future: the ones with a couple extra aircraft carriers, or the ones with the healthier and better educated populaces, pushing the scientific/technological/medical envelope? Our priorities are so upside down. :(
* darnit, you're like the 6th person to recommend "Hustle"...I'll have to give in. :)
We liked it! It was nice feel-good escape movie...it feels like almost everything else these days is zombies / paramilitary operations / superheroes re-rescuing the universe / boring cash-in retreads.
I can imagine scenarios where they would be, though I suspect that on average they aren't.
But if you can somehow convince everyone else that they were necessary assure survival of the whole company and secure everyone else's jobs, that they were a one-off, and you can target them to get rid of as many bad apples as you can... I bet it can work!
So many things to comment on here...I'm just gonna dump 'em all :)
* on Amazon Go: that's the iPhone, but there are Androids of touchless stores coming, see, for instance: https://www.ust.com/en/who-we-are/ust-newsroom/nourish-bloom-market-partners-with-ust-to-launch-the-first-hybrid-autonomous-grocery-store-with-robotic-delivery
* broad-based layoffs are a huge drag on company culture...people live in fear for -years- afterward. getting them done quickly is less painful for execs (and for getting the news out all in one batch) but more surgical project trimming/canceling is really more humane and sensical. it's harder.
* another recent cool agriculture example...not just the big mega-farms: https://www.federatedwireless.com/news/blue-white-robotics-and-federated-wireless-collaborate-with-intel-to-chart-a-new-path-to-autonomous-agriculture-with-flexible-robotics-and-private-wireless/
* Prevention v. Treatment: omg yes...imagine if our governments -really- invested in the future (as one example). which countries will win the future: the ones with a couple extra aircraft carriers, or the ones with the healthier and better educated populaces, pushing the scientific/technological/medical envelope? Our priorities are so upside down. :(
* darnit, you're like the 6th person to recommend "Hustle"...I'll have to give in. :)
Have a nice weekend!
Thanks Jeremy!
Let me know what you think of Hustle. Don't have huge expectations, it's not the best thing ever, but I found it a fun watch.
We liked it! It was nice feel-good escape movie...it feels like almost everything else these days is zombies / paramilitary operations / superheroes re-rescuing the universe / boring cash-in retreads.
Glad to hear! 👍
Reed says on his book that layoffs at Netflix at the beginning of the decade were good to morale after a while.
I can imagine scenarios where they would be, though I suspect that on average they aren't.
But if you can somehow convince everyone else that they were necessary assure survival of the whole company and secure everyone else's jobs, that they were a one-off, and you can target them to get rid of as many bad apples as you can... I bet it can work!