Aug 9, 2022Liked by Liberty

I've thought a lot about the very thing you mention about people merely repeating the local wisdom without thinking about it. This applies at every level--within professions, neighborhoods, cultures... You notice a lot when you have opportunities to live in different places awhile. As a native American, I'll give an example of things Americans (and other western Europeans) don't think twice about doing--getting offended. When you live other places awhile and see people not blink or laugh off what an American would get aghast at, you realize the absurdity of the American "constantly taking offense" syndrome. I've read a book about how different cultures find different human behavior to shame, and that book didn't mention anything about what Americans shame, but that's what immediately struck me. There are countless other examples of cultural conformity, of course.

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That's a good point. It reminds me of when I learned about how some scandinavian cultures (was it Finland or Norway?) were basically "introverted" cultures where the norm was to leave people alone, not talk to them, not do small talk, be fine with silence, etc.

Memory's fuzzy so I may be misremembering the details, and I'm not sure how much that's true, but it certainly sounds very different from a lot of places I know!

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by Liberty

great link to the Dalle2 workflow. Interesting though to see how much effort it took to get to the final iteration and that was considering they didn't show 70% of them.

Understanding the logic and keywords in how to manipulate the AI might mean it is perhaps not as open/easy as it first looked if you want to use to generate something worthwhile.

Does that lead to a new skill/job type. So instead of hiring a graphic designer/artist for the logo, the AI is still complicated enough that it is worthwhile to hire a Dalle "whisperer" in order to generate your work.

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There may be some of that.. Or maybe it's still so much easier than with a human artist that it only seems like a lot when you haven't done the alternative.

Or maybe DALL-E 3 or 4 will make all that so much easier that it's just a question of time 🤔

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by Liberty

"What are we going to do with all this bandwidth? Well, we’ll figure it out, I’m sure!"

*cue Matthew Ball swinging in on a wrecking ball like Miley Cyrus*

Bandwidth remains a key limiter for VR/AR applications

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Ha! That's quite the mental image, thanks for that!

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Thanks for the shoutout Liberty!

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