Jan 25, 2023Liked by Liberty

Regarding saunas; here in northern Sweden there are factories that churn out barrel saunas. I had mine built on top of trailer chassis so that it can be moved down to the lake in summer, and kept closer to the cabin in winter. Saved a lot on shipping too as I could pick it up my self. The cost here is around 4500 USD and upwards for a barrel sauna, depending on quirks and features. Though in order to be a “real man” around here you really have to build the sauna yourself, and the wood industry provides instructions. I ran the most popular one through Google Translate as reference: https://www-byggbeskrivningar-se.translate.goog/invandigt/bastu/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=sv&_x_tr_pto=wapp

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Liberty

Since we have a short term limit on battery materials until mining ramps up, as well as shortage of chargers and since most electricity is still generated from fossil fuels, battery electric vehicles will remain much more expensive and are not a real short term cost effective solution to CO2 emissions. I believe hybrid cars which don’t need charging and require much fewer batteries are a better way to reduce CO2. Assuming average existing cars now get combined 22 MPG and the new Prius gets 57 MPG. A Prius costs about half what an average new Tesla costs and there aren’t many cheap BEVs given the supply constraints . A million cars at 22 MPG driven 10000 miles use 454 million gallons of gas, replacing all with Prius would instead use only 179 million gallons. For the same price you could replace only half with Teslas and still use 227 million gallons from the remaining old cars which were not replaced, plus whatever fossil fuels used to generate the electricity for the Teslas. That plus the tax money wasted on EV subsidies makes hybrid cars a much better solution. Also, no range anxiety or need for new charging infrastructure which is also a big hidden cost. I don’t know of anyone except Toyota that seems to realize this.

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Clippy that doesn’t suck is the best AI analogy I’ve heard so far

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We would argue that Honda has the right idea building hybrids over BEVs. Commodity shortages for batteries make it likely we would get more bang for our buck with hybrids. But they aren't currently politically correct, so there's that.

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023Liked by Liberty

I had a LinkedIn avatar photo done by a professional photographer. Before being handed the final photo, he already did the teeth-whitening (photo-only! 8-D ), facial-symmetry repair, etc. so my photo already looked like "me, only better". Then I ran it through Matlab, but there are probably Python/Python library functions that can do something similar. Basically, I converted the avatar photo I like best from 256 bit (colors) to a reduced set of colors (had to experiment - I have no set rule for a recommended least set of color bits). Next I superimposed outlines generated by edge detection functions. Voila! It ended up being a fairly accurate "cartoon", but sufficiently anonymized.

So, a fun process (for me anyways) and no AI involved whatsoever.

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