Liberty, you may be interested in this:

Lithium Metal Polymer (LMP) battery commercialized NOW by the French Bollore Group for grid connected wind/solar, forklifts, car sharing, and most importantly a big battery contract on the Daimler eCitaro electric bus platform. Not good for lightly used automobiles, but good for anything used constantly. Very recyclable. Can't catch fire. No cobalt. Version3 is out and may just be taking off. Stock dirt cheap, and complicated, but owns 28% of Vivendi (music) and a very good freight forwarding business. Battery business currently loss making.



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Interesting, thanks. I looked at LMP a while ago, maybe when some lab results were coming out, but hadn't followed it since.

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Oct 28, 2020Liked by Liberty

I like your views on investment. IMO the best way to reach FI is spending control & that is becoming easier with technology acting as a catalyst to drive your costs down. Once you can control your spending, it requires only a modest amount of incomes to reach FI. FI being a place where you decide what you want to do with your time. Investing once FI is reached can be a exploration exercise studying the firms you like on your timeline all the while enjoying the process along the way.

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That's basically it. I wouldn't do a job I didn't like *if I had the choice*, and I do have the choice at this point, so I'm not going to invest in things that I don't want to think about just to gain a little bit more money that I don't need and that won't change my life.

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