The obvious solution to the trucking problems, both related to road safety and labor shortages, is to improve and expand rail service. Unfortunately its not sexy enough for governments to get serious about it and for constituants to get excited about it and demand it to their elected officials.

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I actually see a lot of this excitement from younger folks on newer platforms like Tiktok, but it’s mainly with regards to nationalizing existing industries and returning to a version of the US railroads more similar to the Conrail era 1976-99. Not gonna lie as a European transplant to the states I find the idea intriguing, in light of recent rail disasters.

Goes hand in hand with the walkable cities crowd, but nationalization is a dirty word in US politics and considering Biden’s breaking the rail worker strike I suspect nothing will actually happen, regardless of if it’s state run or private. And if anything does happen Musk will just de-rail it (pun-intended) by pretending to re-invent the idea of a vacuum tube or a monorail and distract the public.

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"And if anything does happen Musk will just de-rail it (pun-intended) by pretending to re-invent the idea of a vacuum tube or a monorail and distract the public."

Oh this is good! haha 👌

"in light of recent rail disasters"

I'd be curious to see the stats on rail disasters vs road accidents as a ratio of freight volume. My intuition tells me that it would be much high on the road.

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Love to see a mention of myhouse.wad.

Also love the piece about the hardest bit being the beginning of the learning process. Just reached the 2/3 mark of my BIM/CAD certification and I could not imagine a more accurate statement to describe the brick wall of difficulty followed by the sudden sloping of said wall into an easy ramp with each successive concept introduced. Turns out my anger at the customs of the problem was just my pride and ignorance as always.

We must all remind ourselves we’re not the first one to walk these halls, and maybe the shape can only make sense after you’ve solved the maze beyond.

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Well said! Cheering you on for the remaining 1/3! 💚 🥃

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