Marc Andreessen recently went on Patrick O'Shaunessy's podcast and there's a long discussion specifically addressing "the graph you think about all the time".

Starting at 15:41, ending at 44:16. Transcript below.


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Thanks Billy! I listened to that one. Marc is one of the people who have been talking about this for a few years, and one of the reasons why I keep thinking about it.. Though even a few decades ago, I remember thinking something like "wow, imagine if we had a Moore's Law for cars or houses".

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If we can get the cost curve on the "slow sectors" moving in the other direction it's hard to see how the world is not a better and more equal place with more opportunity for creative and fulfilling pursuits.

More people would have access to the privilege of reality.


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The World as Idea/Collaboration Incubator- humans can be AMAZING!! 🤙😍💥

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Make a list of people in your life (close to acquaintances) that you'd never could possibly have known until the past 10 years because of the social graph, and I bet that for many of us that list is very long, and growing faster over time...

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