How will margins make money? Is it free now and pay later when I’m hooked?

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That will be for them to decide, but my understanding from discussing it with Paul is that the goal is to create the largest community of book lovers, so that probably means keeping the app free for users and eventually making money through publishers marketing their books on it, or selling books, or that kind of stuff. I wouldn't be worried about a rug pull here.

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Let them know they need a share book feature. Helpful to build network/scale.

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Will do -- but I know that their next phase of development is "multi-player" so I assume that's part of it. They started with single player but that's not the whole vision!

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"What a strange time to be alive, when one man who isn’t the leader of a state is at the center of geopolitics around the whole globe…"

Modern central banks are a post WW2 concept. Private bankers once controlled the ability of states to wage war. Private arms dealers have played a similar role in some parts of the world. If history doesn't repeat, it certainly rhymes.

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That's a good example, though even that may not have been quite to this level for a single individual 🤔

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Admittedly, the world was once much smaller. But that allowed Jacob Fugger to be much bigger relative to the size of the pond.

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Good example, again.

Most of what he did must've been unknwon and behind the scenes to the average person, though. The media ecosystem at the time -- if you can even call it that -- didn't have the 24/7 fast cycles that Musk is constantly riding and part of. That part is probably unique, even if the influence is less so 🤔

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