I had the great pleasure of talking with someone I admire a lot: Kevin Kelly!
He not only influenced my life directly through his works & ideas but he’s also cited as an inspiration and influence by many of the people that I admire, so I’m sure there’s an indirect influence too!
Among other things, we discuss his new book (order your copy today!), creativity, the impact of AI, stylistic hybrids, how to create family traditions and rites of passage, Universal Personal Interns (UPIs), what is scarce in the universe, “productivity is for robots, humans are good at what is inefficient”, making friends with older and younger people, and much more.
Please enjoy my wide-ranging conversation with the inimitable K.K.! 💚 🥃
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I’ve been jotting down bits of advice I wished I had known earlier in my life, and then sharing them with my children. Each one is like a tweet — a wisdom tweet. This year I have put 450 of them into a pocket-sized book, called Excellent Advice for Living. —KK
The book comes out on May 2, 2023, but you can pre-order it today.
As you can tell from the podcast, I really enjoyed reading it and found it full of thought-provoking ideas — ranging from profound to everyday life advice. I found myself wanting to share and discuss many of the ideas with my wife.
Always the sign of a good book!
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🎧 'Severance' Season 1: Going Deep with Mostly Borrowed Ideas (MBI)
🎧 Interview with David Kim a.k.a. Scuttleblurb (2023 Edition: Exploration as a Service)
🎧 Going Deep on the Energy Crisis and Nuclear Power with Mark Nelson (Part 1 of 2) 🔌⚡️💡
🎧 Going deep on Constellation Software with Mostly Borrowed Ideas (MBI)
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